
Democrats Turn the Tables, As Expected

425 11:55:12 am PDT

re: #410 _RememberTonyC

I don’t disagree, but it is hard to be a mind reader. If Rush Limbaugh uses it, we can be pretty certain he’s looking to “smear.” But what if Chris Wallace or Charles Krauthammer starts using it, are they in a “guilt by association” situation because of who they work for? And if they are chastized for it, I have a problem with the POTUS using it when he reaps a political advantage from doing so.

Tony - it’s his name. If there are times when he will reap a political advantage from using it, then that’s just how it is.

As for as others using it - I’m going to always look at how they are saying it within the context of whatever it is they’re talking about.

I think it’s wrong for people to use it to try to “smear” him somehow.
I think it would be equally wrong for someone to use it in an “in your face” way to those of us who did not vote for Obama and most likely would not vote for him in the future.