
Avengers #24, January 1966

Cato the Elder8/09/2010 10:54:07 pm PDT

re: #411 albusteve

finally?…sounds ominous
I’ll be up, bet on it…I’ll trade you for an adobe brick, an authentic piece of NM culture and history

When Michael Palin (he of Monty Python) agreed to attempt the replication of the fictional Phileas Fogg’s feat of rounding the world in 80 days, he had two requests from friends.

The first friend asked for an authentic Oriental horoscope for his soon-to-be-born baby.

The other asked for a real glazed tile from a Chinese roof.

How Michael fulfilled those requests, I leave it up to you to discover.

But if you ever want a brick from the notorious Baltimore Brick Company, which made such horrible bricks that a half-century later everyone who bought one of the houses faced with their product had to cover it in Formstone™ (a Baltimore specialty which you will hardly see anywhere else besides Philly), you have only to ask.

I will deliver it, gift-wrapped and dedicated, to your front door, in person.