
Herman Cain Harassment Victim's News Conference

Guanxi8811/04/2011 3:29:59 pm PDT

re: #424 Surabaya Stew

At my first High School, one of the students was named Hugh Dick. As if that weren’t bad enough, on of the teachers joked that Hugh’s mother was named Anita!

Of course, I had to chime in with his Fathers name…Grizzly…

Nobody got any learning done for the rest of the day.

Once conned a coworker into calling an internal extension to return a message from a “Hugh Jasso” (this is texas, and we non-Tex-Mex, because the texicans won the war, pronounce Spanish the way it’s spelled in English). She couldn’t figure out why the fellow on the other end just burst into laughter when she asked to speak to “Mr. Hugh Jasso”.