
Idaho Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down

Dr Lizardo5/14/2014 10:35:19 am PDT

re: #417 Pie-onist Overlord

Imagine the wingnuts eruption if a Muslim was saying something like that.

The wingnuts would go apeshit; however, there may be one or two smarter-than-average wingnuts who might realize that what Sasse is proposing would work to the advantage of Muslim radicals and extremists - after all, let’s Sasse’s idea became law - what’s to prevent a father who ‘honor-killed’ his 15-year old daughter because she was dating a non-Muslim from being acquitted on the basis of ‘religious freedom’?

As always, the RWNJ’s aren’t thinking things through - what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, after all. They may well believe that such things apply only to them - but that’s not how it works, is it? Like the LA legislator who was flabbergasted to discover that Muslims can open private school with taxpayer funding; she foolishly believed that such a law applied only to Christians.

Silly teabaggers.