
WATCH LIVE: Hillary Clinton, President Obama and Michelle Obama Rally at Philadelphia's Independence Hall

BeachDem11/07/2016 7:44:53 pm PST

re: #398 EPR-radar

It really is ridiculous. Trump is the most horrible major-party presidential candidate in at least the past 100 years, and likely ever. It isn’t even close. Yet this festering synthesis of all negative human traits is certain to get a significant number of electoral votes. Many of his supporters are blatantly just as deplorable as Trump himself.

However, there are also a significant number of Trump supporters who supposedly don’t agree with Trump’s malevolent circus act, but have convinced themselves that Hillary Clinton is somehow worse than Trump.

Since there is no rational line of thinking that can possibly lead to this conclusion, this second group of Trump supporters are necessarily lying to themselves and to others. So they are just as deplorable as any other Trump supporters.

Hillary’s only mistake in her ‘deplorables’ line was using 50% where it should have been 100%.

I’ll repeat my mantra from this morning—anyone who votes for Trump is stupid or hateful or both.