
Klinghoffer Kind of Agrees: 'Darwinism is a Lie Sprung Straight from the Pit of Hell'

Gabriel Hanna6/22/2009 12:26:11 am PDT

John McCain Speech at the 2008 National Council of La Raza Convention

Since he is not a moderate on the immigration issue, of course he goes to La Raza to pander to radicals.

Title VII says what it says. Sotomayor didn’t write the law, she just ruled in accordance with it.

Justice and the law are separate concepts. If the law really does say so, then a moderate would think it was unjust. Sotomayor wholeheartedly approves of it.

I don’t know much about Title VII, but I know that Title IX doesn’t really mandate that athletic scholarships be equally distributed amongst men and women, so that you get two dozen women’s sports and football.

What happened is that people, who were not moderates, interpreted that law in such a way that distributing the scholarships equally is the only way to avoid a lawsuit.

For example, if you are a university, and you know that you only had 100 women who were interested in athletics and 500 men, you could offer scholarships in the ratio 1:5. And then a Women’s Studies major would sue, and you’d have to prove, expensively via lawyers, that the 1:5 ratio was justified. Offer them in 1:1, no lawsuit.

The Overton Window seems like one more excuse to not have to engage your opponents arguments.