
Pamela Geller: The Muslim Brotherhood Controls Every Agency of the US Government

Petero18182/10/2010 6:52:02 pm PST

re: #414 The Sanity Inspector

Well, here I can only insert the well-known insistence that jihadist terrorism is war, not crime. At least above a certain level of conspiracy and lethality.

Well that is exactly where I think the issue turns. What basis in law is there for this “well-known insistence”. If I go out tomorrow and stab a guy in the street and yell Allahu Akbar, is that murder or terrorism. Would it change if I didn’t say Allahu Akbar but had a koran in my backpack. What if there was no Koran, And what would change if I killed 3 people not 1. What if I was on a muslim chat board the night before and told some others that I was feeling an urge to hurt or kill people. What if the underwear bomber had no real connection to Al Qaeda in the Gulf, but was acting on his own, but for reasons of faith.

I am not for a second stating that Jihadi terrorism is or isnt war rather than crime, I am saying I sure as hell don’t have legal guidance on the issue, nor do I think you do. And it is a very serious and slippery slope.