
Romney Says He's Not Responsible for Bain After 1999

BryanS7/13/2012 9:21:54 pm PDT

re: #403 Mich-again

Nonsense. You have no idea how things get done at that level. Mitt wasn’t at a desk slaving over a pile of paperwork like Bob Cratchett on Christmas Eve. He’s taking calls, cutting deals, getting updates at meetings, interviewing assistants, getting briefed over lunch, having strategy sessions..

To say he would be so darn busy working on the Olympics that he would be unable to take a few calls here and there with Bain business is just silly.

That stuff takes time. You’ve pretty much described a typical day in the life of a CEO—that’s pretty much the same kinds of things he would have done at Bain as well. He couldn’t have had time to wheel and deal for Bain while he was wheeling and dealing for the Olympics.