
Rand Paul: Snowden and Clapper Should Both Go to Prison

ObserverArt1/06/2014 10:33:54 am PST

A little off the topics…but what is with the griping about Fallujah falling back into the hands of Al Qaeda? This is Iraq isn’t it? Things like this have only been going on for a few hundreds of years.

Did people expect that once the US pulled out it would stay a perfect representation of US styled Democracy?

And I understand about the loss of all our good soldiers trying to take and keep it. And sure it is sad, but let’s stick with reality. It is the freakin’ Middle East.

Just another example of trying to fix the area with force. The only people that are gonna fix it are the residents of the area. And again, for hundreds of years they haven’t been able.

What is that definition of insanity again?