
When Norwegian Doctors Lash Out

jwb76051/13/2009 3:22:40 pm PST

re: #420 Walter L. Newton

And why are people speaking to me in the third person, I’m not dead yet.

She was moved to a physical rehab floor yesterday evening, started 5 days of PT today before they decide if the brace is going to do the trick or if they will want to go in a install some hardware.

I saw her this morning, she was sitting up in a chair, in a full chest and back brace, bitching, so, she’s feeling better.

She acts like such a princess, and she ain’t got squat. Not even health insurance. I would be thanking those docs every time they dropped off some happy pills.

who told you that?
… I actually read my name in the obituaries one day a while back. Close inspection revealed I actually lived and died in a different town, though.