
Pamela Geller's Obama-Hitler Obsession

Flyers19748/16/2009 3:14:14 pm PDT

re: #340 The Shadow Do

I don’t endorse the comment. It was obviously laid out there for shock value. A calculated effort for a headline. Probably backfired. Does not make her a buffoon though, just a bad sense of the political environment.

Instead of stupid, I think she outsmarted herself. Sarah has a lot to learn.

I don’t think she’s stupid either by the way and I didn’t believe you endorsed the comment. I think the word “stupid” gets used generically when one really means the person in question made bad decisions, etc…, which of course would be an incorrect use of the word. But aside from that comment, I think the whole Letterman thing was a huge mistake and marked the point of no return. I think it added to what I earlier referred as “cartoonish” (maybe a better description is soap opera-like) image. After all - Letterman is no Johnny Carson - I was too young for Carson, but I know my parents and a million others watched him - I’d say maybe attacks by a Carson would have to be answered. But Letterman’s a nobody, have a spokesperson reply to Letterman if you are planning on running for POTUS.