
Poll: Was Palin's Resignation a Smart Move?

karmic_inquisitor8/18/2009 3:09:15 pm PDT

I get tired of people outsourcing their critical thinking abilities to Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham, both of whom repeat the utter lie that SoCons were out in numbers for republicans and that it was the RINO population that first handed Nancy Pelosi and then Barack Obama power.

Flat. Out. Lie.

How do they argue with someone on the point? They simply deny that anyone has proven that evangelicals “stayed home.”

Well they didn’t - 10% more simply voted for the other side in 2006 for an effecive swing of 20%. But (as the article below states) a full 50% of church going voters voted Democrat - a big increase over prior elections. Barone then worked out that it was mid west Catholics who led that defection.

And in 2008 they stayed home. did a tidy wrap up of the facts, along with quotes from the disaffected saying that they voted for the other team to teach the Republicans a lesson.

And here is a story on the catholic flip in 2006 -

Democrats nationally won the a majority of the Catholic vote that the president had captured in 2004 and they significantly narrowed the large deficit among evangelical voters that Sen. John Kerry had faced.

Yep - tried and true reliable voters those SoCons are. They just vote for the other side when they don’t get what they want packaged in the passionate, divisive candidates that they insist on. Precisely what you want in a coalition. (that was sarcasm).

In 2008, the defections grew among those who went to the polls while more of the older, white religious conservatives stayed home.

SoCons - Please refrain from accusing people of propagandizing when you have not done the research which is available to you through search engines. Take little from Rush and Ingraham “on faith” - they are both dis-honest when it comes to anything that portrays SoCons poorly. And that is propagandizing on their part (it is also sinful behavior - ooga booga).