
Gallup: Americans Trust Obama More Than Congress on Health Care

HelloDare3/06/2010 2:50:55 pm PST

I just got to this thread. Sorry if somebody already posted this.

55% Say Congress Should Start Over On Health Care

Following a small bounce in support following his health care summit last week, President Obama has continued to try to rally House Democrats to vote for his health care overhaul. He wants the legislation approved by the Senate passed in December as a “first step” towards further improvements of the plan.

However, most U.S. voters (55%) would rather see Congress scrap the original plan and start all over again, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Still, the president has made some progress among the public. Thirty-seven percent (37%) now think it would be better to build on the health care plan that has been working its way through the House and Senate as a starting point. That’s up from 28% in February.

Democrats, by a 66% to 25% margin, support building on the current plan making its way through Congress. Republicans overwhelmingly take the opposite view, with 85% who say it would be better the scrap the current plan and start over. Unaffiliated voters, by a nearly two-to-one margin, also favor starting over.

The president’s health care summit last week seems to have nudged up support for the reform plan, but 52% of U.S. voters continue to oppose it. Forty-four percent (44%) are now in favor of the plan. New weekly tracking numbers on voter support for the health care plan will be released Monday.