
Tancredo: Send Obama Back to Africa

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/19/2010 11:56:09 am PDT

re: #410 Aceofwhat?

Ace, my point is that railing on Kucinich and calling him a nut and kooky etc. is a sign of something that’s wrong with our national discourse on politics, a focus on style over substance. I’m not sure what’s weird about that.

My father has kind of the same reaction, and when I asked him to name Kucinich’s stances on a number of issues, he couldn’t, and, of course, it turned out that many of Kucinich’s stances were something he agreed with.

I’m not sure why you’re falling into the silly meme of “Do I have to run my posts past you?”, either. You can post whatever you want. It’s my opinion that posts goofing on Kucinich are representative of a problem in US politics.