
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Oh no...Sand People!2/26/2009 9:20:31 pm PST

re: #41 Thanos

“I have a five year old daughter, she’s a guilty sinner…”


Only time for a drive by post.

My audio isn’t working. Is that a direct quote? I am assuming it is.

I reject ‘original sin’. What a B.S. concept. Born guilty in sin? (cue ‘Deliverance’ background music…) While pastor ‘Fred Phelps’ and the dino-riders are out to ‘guilt’ us all into paying them money. “Guilt” and self loathing is a tool of liberalism. No wonder we lose elections…it’s built into the religions. Well, I guess if I am guilty due to the actions of a predesessor before I was even alive, why not start ponying up the dough for ‘slave reparations’? I will continue living a life of doing as good as I can but not ‘damning children to hell’.

You can interpret your ‘word’ however you want, but when I look at my 5 year old, I see a noble, innocent, intelligent, curious, vibrant and alive beautiful child, in my opinion, of God.

Those who think otherwise, I reject you and your pastor’s opinions you rode in on.

-Oh no…Sand People!