
Snowe: 'Ideological Purity Is Not the Ticket Back'

crimeshark4/29/2009 6:28:21 pm PDT

When a politician speaks of a big umbrella and diversity in the party, it reminds me of the village idiots who claim that the Constitution is a “living, breathing” document. When you have a party with so many differing and competing interests within that it stands for everything for fear of offending the membership, your party, in fact, stands for nothing. Likewise, when you are so deluded as to believe that you can read anything at all into our Nation’s charter in order to satisfy every whim not met by the legislative branch, you advocate reducing the Constitution to meaningless gibberish. In sum, Ms. Snowe should join Mr. Spectre if she wishes to belong to a party that admits everyone and means everything and anything to everyone who joins. I’m sure we’ll all miss her.