
Chuck C. Johnson Is Confused by the Concept of Traveling Nurses

Reality Based Steve10/17/2014 10:28:20 am PDT

re: #424 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Let’s see; no usury, no covetousness, no adultery. That pretty well eliminates the Republican party, doesn’t it? And that’s just the Old Testament, They’d never be able to get around “As ye treat the least among ye, so you treat me.”

And let us take a look at a few of the other commandments

1. Have no other Gods before you… I have a civil right to practice any religion, or none at all, as I see fit. This is embedded into the Constitution, so the founding fathers set out to destroy America by granting this right.

2 Not create any graven images… Again, 4th amendment rights grant me the right of free self expression

3 Not use the Lords name in vain… hummm, could the 4th Amendment possibly factor in again?

4. Remember the Sabbath day… What day is that? Friday, Saturday, Sunday? When does it run?

I could go on, but a good breakdown is at Godless Geek