
Fox News Uses Fake "Swedish Security Adviser" With Criminal Record to Hype Trump's Fake Swedish Terror Attack

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷2/25/2017 6:05:41 pm PST

re: #425 Moebym

Don’t forget “shill” and “centrist”.

To the BoBs, one’s allegiance during the primaries is everything. Support for or even a positive association with Hillary may as well be the mark of the Beast, with no further examination needed. That’s why a true progressive like Tom Perez has had these false accusations thrown at him by Ellison supporters.

Bernie is God, and everything he says is gospel.

I still wonder how many of the BoB’s are actual Sanders supporters, and how many are rodent copulators. There was a thread in the Reddit r/The_Donald forum that specifically exhorted people there to go out and sew discord over the DNC chair vote.