
Transcripts of Trump's Calls With Foreign Leaders Leaked, and Wow, Are They Ever Bizarre

Blind Frog Belly White8/03/2017 5:25:52 pm PDT

re: #424 EPR-radar

Sure. My argument and the wingnuts’ arguments both come down to the ends justifying the means.

The difference is that the wingnut end was illegitimate (i.e., getting that ****** out of the white house), while IMO the end of getting tr*mp out of office is imperative.

Okay, I’m not going to take it any farther than this, but once again - you realize THEY claim YOUR ends are illegitimate, right?

I’m concerned that Trump et al. are destroying so many norms that if we also destroy them, we’ll end up with no norms left.

One thing I do as a check on myself is turn the situation around, and ask if I’d be okay with it. Back when Bush was President, a lot of wingnuts objected to the FISA Court system as too onerous a burden on Presidential prerogative. Yet some of these same wingnuts objected to “the President’s Secret Court!!!” when Bill Clinton was President.