
Overnight Open Thread

BethesdaDog3/09/2009 4:58:27 am PDT

Gordon Brown does indeed have very serious vision problems. He’s blind in one eye, and losing his vision in another.

I can’t believe how stupid the White House staff and this President are…oh, yes I can.

It’s just coming out faster than I thought it would. That’s what happens when you elect a strutting adolescent who thinks he’s just taken over the student government.

In all my life, and I’ve been around now for quite some time—having lived through more than half a dozen presidents as an adult—I’ve never once heard or read of anyone complaining they had to get out of the White House because of the pressure (and go to an elementary school for relief), or is overwhelmed by the workload and is “too tired.”

He’s a narcissistic spoiled brat. He’s in way over his head.