
Danish Conservative Speaks Out on Climate Change

jpkoch9/21/2009 4:11:26 pm PDT

re: #398 LudwigVanQuixote

And I am a trained physicist. Those are not just eye-candy. Further, if you did know the science, you would know that. The fact that you dismiss them at all causes me, to know that you are spouting B.S.

I do not that you are a weather forecaster, but then again, climate is not weather. Over all climate trends and feedbacks effect weather, but they are not weather.

You being a trained physicist came as quite a surprise as you rarely talk of the physics of the atmosphere, you avoid any reasonable discussion (ie you accused me of misrepresenting the IPCC, but ignore the actual citation(s) I provided), and you cite silly web sites like NOAA. And yes, I do question NOAA. Their medium to long range forecasts are horrendous (If they charged for their services they’d have no customers). And forget the weather is not climate meme. NOAA, Hadley, and NASA constantly co-mingle weather events into climate events. If you wish to really discuss climate events please explain the behavior of the Walker Cell over the last 600 years in relation to both ENSO and global precipitation patterns.

Now, are you honestly challenging that NOAA data set? If you are, on what basis?