
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

Kreuzueber Halbmond8/22/2010 6:34:03 pm PDT

re: #361 swamprat

This conflicts me. Because I absolutely agree that these people have the right to air their gievances and voice their disagreement. I also question the “taste” of building this thing. And I chaff about soft-pedaling the fact it is a mosque, even though it has load of bells and whistles. (still a mosque). This “freedom of speech” thing is good, and though the owners have a right to build (because they are owners, not because they are oppressed, or disenfranchised, or any of that unmitigated mush) …anyway their “right to build” does not nullify others’ “rights to oppose” that building.

But holy cow! This crowd against it are weapons-grade bigots.

Ever since 9/11, people have been screaming for “moderate Muslims” to come forward and renounce terrorism. Now some guy - A Muslim Imam - steps up and wants to preach peace and love for all humanity, and it’s not good enough. These freaks are exposed for being what they always were - a xenophobic drag on our future.