
Right Wing Bloggers Immediately Started Portraying the Kansas Neo-Nazi Shooter as a "Democrat"

bratwurst4/14/2014 2:30:21 pm PDT

I am in my car during midday a few times per week, so I typically tune by Rush Limbaugh to find out which memes are currently in favor with the mouth breathing wing of the GOP. Today he was not only going with the anticipated “the shooter was a Democrat” angle (never mind that the SPLC states he also once ran for office as a Republican), he also asserted that Miller was “inspired” by Max Blumenthal’s anti-Israel book.

Well, as I mentioned yesterday I have a personal tie to this incident. Even beyond that, I am also a Jew who is extremely critical of the policies of Israel’s current government. While I think the Blumenthal book is largely garbage, I was physically disgusted by Limbaugh’s proposition that one could possibly draw a direct line between criticism of Israel by a Jew and people being shot at a Jewish Community Center.

I am sure this is ultimately just another way to blame Obama (as has been done by many idiots like this guy), but this is also yet another low point in Limbaugh’s career of assholery.