
Amazing Short Film: One Hour of San Diego Surfing Time-Collapsed to Two Minutes

blueraven5/21/2014 6:22:55 pm PDT

re: #27 Killgore Trout

The original Tea Parties (despite the revisionist history) were Ron Paul-Code Pink rallies demanding 9-11 truth. The BIrchers, Larouchies, Anonymous, ANSWER, Paulians are natural allies. You can see more or less the same mix of nuts at every anti-war rally, Tea Party and even OWS. The alliance will hold up just fine as it always has but the real problem is the participants are too nutty to deal with anything realistically.


The tea party didn’t show up until the bank bailouts. But really came into their own with the election of Obama and the debate over the healthcare.

Where did you get that idea? hmmm?

Well as it happens that BS was stated on this vile website. Are you a fan?

If you recall, the original tea parties were being held in the darkest years of the Bush-Cheney Axis of Evil reign of terror and were largely comprised of Ron Paul and 9/11 Truth Activists,