
Friday Night Jam: Ty Tabor, "Wouldn't You Like to Be"

BeachDem3/13/2015 9:35:18 pm PDT

Boy, Justin Harris certainly upped the ante for the grift once he got himself a job legislatin’

In 2011, Americans United attorneys were quite surprised to find that a West Fork, Ark., preschool called Growing God’s Kingdom has received over $1 million in state funds since 2005…
Arkansas Better Chance for School Success funds should not be used to pay for religion.
(Yeah, that ship has sailed)

So anyway, that was a million $ over 6 years—a lot of money, but wait—there’s more.

He won his first election in 2010, started legislatin’ in 2011—and
since 2010:

$2.7 million from the Arkansas Better Chance state-funded pre-K

So, $2.7 million over 4 years—quite a nice return on his campaign.

But wait, there’s more:

In 2012— Meanwhile, enrollment at his school is down by about 30 students, he said. Last year, they had 110 kids enrolled at Growing God’s Kingdom. This year, they have close to 90.

(apparently, math not a strong point 110 to 90 isn’t about 30, it’s about 20, but hey)

Fewer kids—more money—it’s the Republican way.

That’s just the money from Arkansas Better Chance for School Success.

PLUS, since 2010:

$945,580 from the Child Care Development Fund that helps pay for childcare for qualifying families. (Not sure if they consider these state funds, as the program is under the federal DHHS but managed by the state)

and that’s not counting the $547,619 from the USDA for free or reduced lunches for young children.