
Video: Hillary Clinton Uses Republican Quotes Against Donald Trump

klys (maker of Silmarils)5/04/2016 3:51:22 pm PDT

re: #37 Blind Frog Belly White

30 years ago, we were told the likelihood of a 7.0 or greater event in the Bay Area was nearly 100% during the following 30 years.

It hasn’t happened yet, and no, Loma Prieta doesn’t count.

Denial is how we live here. Every so often, we get spooked and buy some canned food, or a new water barrel, or bolt a bookcase to the wall. Otherwise? We don’t think about it.

I’ve skipped bolting the bookshelves to the wall but we take the water supply seriously.

I sort of figure the house survived Loma Prieta so chances of it all going to hell are small.