
Video: Keith Olbermann's Take on the Smoking Gun Trump Jr. Emails

calochortus7/11/2017 2:31:21 pm PDT

re: #37 KGxvi

The “it’s not the crime, it’s the cover up” usually involves smaller crimes. Like hiring an undocumented immigrant as a maid - technically a crime, but not something that by itself would ruin a campaign; until you pay them hush money and fake records to make it look like nothing happened. Or even when low level patsies (who you were smart enough to separate yourself from with a few levels of plausible deniability) break into a hotel to steal campaign documents and accidentally start a small fire - a little B&E by some guys you don’t “actually” know - but then you record yourself saying that you orchestrated the whole thing and want to get those pinko commie bastard Kennedys who have been after you for years.

But I do think this is more on a level with the Watergate break in. Sort of like saying yeah, my guys did this but we didn’t really learn anything from the bug. I’m not sure Don Jr.’s meeting rises to the level of treason or anything, but it does appear to be a crime.