
Now for Something Completely Different: Palm - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)

majii3/18/2018 7:41:46 pm PDT

re: #28 Anymouse 🌹

“Mrs. Clinton is not in politics. She will likely never run for an office again. Do they use the argument that “money in science corrupts science, so science speakers shouldn’t get paid?”“

I know you remember how much noise they made when #44 got paid millions for a speech. I thought they were losing their freaking minds. They looked like the tools they are when PBO and his wife announced they were using the money he received for the speech, adding more of their own money to it and were using it to provide summer jobs for teens in Chicago. The same persons don’t say a d*mn thing when Gingrich, “W,” Flynn, Cheney, and the other RW grifters are paid huge sums to give speeches. Sanders needs to sit down and STFU. I really wish he’d follow my advice, but as long as he has his little core group of supporters, he won’t because he loves being adored.