
As Trump Disgraces the US in India, John Oliver Takes a Close Look at Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Charles Johnson2/24/2020 11:12:09 am PST

Bernie’s comments about Castro show someone who’s not able to say he’s changed his opinion, even when it would be politically advantageous. Apparently it’s not in him to come up with some kind of equivocal statement, like most politicians would. His followers see that as a strength, and that right there is the heart of the problem with Bernie, because we’re in a position where Democrats simply cannot afford to lose the next election. And winning elections does take someone who knows how to play this frustrating but necessary game.

And Fidel Castro was a murderous SOB, no matter what good he may have done. At the very least, Sanders should have acknowledged THAT much. It’s just amazingly tone deaf to phrase it like, “Well, he wasn’t ALL bad.”