
BNP Leader Griffin: Climate Change is a 'Hoax', World Leaders Are 'Mass Murderers'

Killgore Trout12/17/2009 11:30:35 am PST

Rick Perry: Al Gore has ‘gone to hell’

Texas Gov. Rick Perry joked Wednesday that former Vice President Al Gore has “gone to hell” because of his advocacy for climate change policy.

Speaking to a builders group in Dallas, Perry — once a Democrat — was asked about his past relationship with Gore.

“Did you get religion? Did he get religion?” a man in the crowd asked. “What has happened since then?”

“I certainly got religion,” Perry responded. “I think he’s gone to hell,” reports the Dallas Morning News.

Upon hearing the line, the room exploded with laughter and applause.

“I think they agree,” Perry said after the room quieted down.