
Wingnut Radio Host Berry On NY Mosque: 'I Hope Somebody Blows It Up'

darthstar5/28/2010 1:20:07 pm PDT

What are the chances one of his listeners takes him up on his suggestion? Let’s see…

Glenn Beck says “President Obama wants to take our guns away” and a few days later a guy kills two cops in Philadelphia. And a few weeks after that assholes are showing up outside Obama’s town hall meetings with loaded guns on display.

Erick “I’m a fucking prick” Erickson says he’d meet a census worker with a shotgun if they showed up at his door, and this week a woman does just that, then when the police arrive her husband answers the door with a gun, and while he’s being peacefully disarmed, she comes out with the shotgun again and ends up getting killed in the process.

I suppose the chances someone will follow up on this is pretty good.