
Stewart and Hitchens

Killgore Trout6/11/2010 7:22:46 pm PDT

While LGF is turning up real original stories and MSM forgeries Hot Air has a scoop of their own tonight….
Bill Kristol: Obama planning to join UN call for international probe of flotilla raid; Update: Corroboration?

Update: Just got an interesting e-mail from a trustworthy source and regular HA reader:

Sources of mine who are in positions to know confirmed that they’ve heard the same thing [as Kristol]. I suspect what’s going on here is a White House shot across the bow, a reminder to Bibi that things can get very nasty if he defies The One. Remember: the 10-month settlement freeze ends in September, right before the midterms, and Bibi plans on firing up the backhoes again. His coalition would fall apart if he didn’t, and he would look pathetic to boot. But in deference to the electoral prospects of his party, Obama doesn’t want to kick off another chapter in the Obama-Israel psychodrama right before the midterms. The Israelis know this and are keeping their powder dry for September. Obama is probably trying to warn them that he’d love nothing more than to let Susan Rice throw them unprotected into the UN arena.

An email from an anonymous blog reader on an already debunked outrageous outrage!
/Big News!