
Eric Cantor Joins the Bigot Brigade

Scottish Dragon8/12/2010 10:09:41 am PDT

re: #34 _RememberTonyC

this is one of those deals where a nice Jewish boy from Richmond, VA (the state of my birth) has to get votes from a lot of people who are not necessarily going to be sympathetic to him unless he solidly represents their views. in other words, politics makes people do things they do not always want to do. But the trick is to find a middle ground on the issue where you do the right thing (supporting the mosque project) but also convince the naysayers. I think one way to do it is to explain that this project will be under MUCH more scrutiny than a typical mosque project. And that the builders are going to be well aware of that. It’s a tough line to walk and it ain’t easy, but the great ones find a way.

So parroting the bigotry and hatred of deluded constituents (even if you are laughing behind your hand at it) is a sound electoral strategy for our Republic? Been reading The Prince again, have you?