
Video: Interviews with the Beck Fans

cliffster8/30/2010 7:49:54 pm PDT

re: #2 jamesfirecat

Can I ask for a transcript, or would the raw idiocy make the letters melt off the page?

I asked a few minutes ago and was told it was pure crazy. So I just pulled up a transcript and I’m reading through it. Sounds like pretty good stuff. One excerpt:

I’m tired. I am tired, and I know you are. I’m tired of common sense not applying anymore. We all know what the problems are. It’s tax and spend. One party will tax and spend, the other party won’t tax but will spend. It’s both of them. Both of them together. I’m tired. I’m tired.

In general, it was a good rally, good people, good theme. That’s very disappointing, I’m sure, to people who hate Beck.