
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Rant

Scottish Dragon11/16/2010 2:01:24 pm PST

re: #19 HappyWarrior

I’m interested too in this if he said this. Weird, never would have thought Limbaugh would say something like that. Anyone with any knowledge understands that the Nuremburg Trials set a precedent and furthermore many of the high ranking Nazis never saw the light of day again,

I saw a rant about them today at The Volokh Conspiracy.

Which is to say that this guy is due less process than the genocidal maniacs that killed 10 million folks in Europe. Very plausible!

Yup. Hit that one on the head. He is a peasant of the Third World. His life means nothing. We should shoot him and move.
Nuremberg was one of the worst ideas FDR ever had (and that is saying A LOT). It was nothing more than victor’s justice masquerading as a legitimate, unbiased judicial trial. Churchill and Stalin were right, we should have just shot them in an alley when we found them. FDR just wanted to make a dog and pony show out of them. Stop holding up the Nuremberg show trials as some sort of international gold standard for “war crimes” because it simply was summary justice wrapped into a three act play.

I have not come across this particular kind of statement before, but I have noticed an awful lot of outright hatred for anything related to FDR in recent months from the right. Apparently, war crimes trials (or trials of any sort, I guess) are now an official BAD SOSHULIST IDEA in some areas now.

Also, the American thing to do is shoot third world people peasants in the head and move out.
