
Gaddafi: 'I Will Die As a Martyr'

lawhawk2/22/2011 10:15:24 am PST

re: #34 ProLifeLiberal

That’s a wholly unwise strategy - at a time when Egypt’s military is trying to restructure and reorganize the Egyptian government and economic situation, the last thing they’d want to do is get involved in an insurrection next door - it would turn an already bad situation worse - and give Libyans who might not have supported Khadafi before benefit of doubt that they’re dealing with outside forces imposing their way on the Libyan people. Seeing Egyptian forces entering Libya would feed into Khadafi’s delusional thinking that this is something being forced on Libya from the US and other outside elements and not something that was organically growing from within Libya after Libyans watched the revolutions next door in Tunisia and Egypt.