
Idaho Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down

dharmamark5/14/2014 10:40:46 am PDT

re: #141 GunstarGreen

But it is discrimination against Christians — because in Fischer’s mind, and the mind of a significantly large chunk of the American population, Christian Rule (see also: Christ-based Sharia) is their right because Skydad says so.

They continue to hold this belief because we, as a nation, refuse to disabuse them of it. We refuse to sanction them in any meaningful way, we refuse to rebuke them in any meaningful way, we refuse to even call them loons in any official capacity. We continue to allow their preposterous laws to remain on the books (dry counties, sunday sales, gay marriage bans, etc.) until such time as someone gets personally affected enough to raise a stink about it to the courts.

When you tolerate intolerance, intolerance gets a nice, big head. And every time they screech about this being “discrimination against Christians”, they are emboldened when they are not told, by a ranking authority and in no uncertain terms, “Shut the hell up you crazy sack of shit.”

So, maybe we need a movement to ferret out laws based solely on the Bible and get them repealed, one at a time. Even the seemingly benign ones.