
Discovery Gunman: Just Nuts

webevintage9/01/2010 6:29:33 pm PDT

re: #426 LudwigVanQuixote

Web, I like you a lot. What is the difference here? Would you consider someone who can’t read and was proud f it to be ignorant and frankly a little detestable for being so proudly ignorant of a basic thing?

What is the big deal about basic algebra? I am talking about grade school competency here. You make it sound like I am setting some impossible elitist bar above the abilities of a few mortals.

I don’t get it.
Are you saying that you too can not do basic algebra?
And if you can not, how can you be happy about that fact?

What I wrote above:
I’m embarrassed that I could not get past the whole letters=numbers thing (finding the unknown…right?) though I have tried over the years to learn algebra I just can’t.
Maybe that makes me defensive.
Or maybe I’m just wired that way.

I like to read.
No, I love to read and I do not understand how anyone who can read does not enjoy reading for pleasure.
How can that be?
My husband, who is quite the math guy, does not read for pleasure. He describes the act of reading as almost painful because, for him, it requires so much mental energy.
For me math is painful.
Very, very painful.
But see that is the thing…I cannot understand how anyone could not read for pleasure, you on the other hand see algebra as basic math and can’t imagine how someone could NOT be able to function without it.
Or not care.