
Tech Corner: iPad 2 Springs Forth

Dark_Falcon3/02/2011 8:46:23 pm PST

As the facts have come in, it looks like the killing of two US airmen in Germany was a long nut jihadi:

2 U.S. airmen shot dead at airport in Germany

FRANKFURT, Germany — A man armed with a handgun attacked a bus carrying U.S. Air Force troops at Frankfurt airport Wednesday, killing two airmen and wounding two others before being taken into custody, authorities said.

Boris Rhein, the top security official in the German state of Hesse where the shooting took place, identified the shooter as a 21-year-old from Kosovo. Family members in Kosovo described the suspect as a devout Muslim, who was born and raised in Germany and worked at the airport.

In Washington, President Barack Obama promised to “spare no effort” in investigating the slayings.

“I’m saddened and I’m outraged by this attack,” he said.

The attack came as the bus sat outside the airport’s Terminal 2, according to Frankfurt police spokesman Manfred Fuellhardt. The bus driver and a passenger were killed, while one airman suffered light injuries and a second suffered serious wounds and was in life-threatening condition, he said.

His family was from Kosovo, so I’m guessing that tomorrow the Stalker Blog will have a thread on how those airmen died because we refused to let the Serbs wipe out all Balkan Muslims. The bigots will use an act of terrorism by a lone nut to justify genocide.

[i hope I’m proven wrong on this, but I don’t think I will be]