
Joe the Plumber Witnesses Rocket Attack in Israel

lawhawk1/12/2009 10:01:26 am PST

This is worth repeating:

According to army estimates (based on intelligence and information obtained by the Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration), at least 400 of the palestinians killed are known Hamas operatives. Furthermore, the IDF believes that among the remaining 500, at least half are Hamas operatives. In other words, more than 750 of the 905 dead could well have been Hamas terrorists, which is a starkly different picture to the one being painted by the likes of Hamas, UNRWA, and the world media.

Far from the multitudes of civilian casualties claimed, the overwhelming majority are Hamas turned humus. That’s 82.8% of all dead being attributed as Hamas thugs. 100% of those dead were killed because Hamas waged war against Israel.