
Holder to Appoint Prosecutor for CIA Terror Investigations

sattv4u28/24/2009 1:25:44 pm PDT

re: #421 ~Fianna

It doesn’t matter whether they’re a signatory or not. We are. And it’s still immoral because we need to be better than that, it is against our law and custom and it should remain so.

The essential question is are we a civilized nation of laws or a barbaric nation of vendetta.

If we’re the former, than this behavior needs to be investigated when it happens. If we’re the latter, we’ve given up every value that we were founded on.

Let me ask you this. In our entire history of fighting wars “by the rules” (even though I can argue we never in actuality did AND site examples, but thats another debate) please tell me when we have EVER fought one where the enemy uses the tactics that this one does. In that I’m sure there isn’t one, don’t our tactics;/ rules/ even laws need to change in fighting them?