
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

swamprat8/22/2010 6:34:07 pm PDT

re: #366 JasonA

No need to examine and I have elaborated before. Some are offended. The initial response to the mosque was that the builders did not have the “right” to build. Now, of course, they say “Oh no! we never meant that! Well, they did. And they were wrong.
The “taste” aspect comes from how this will be, and is, being viewed and spun. If you cannot see it you are being willfully blind.

But the viewpoints of those who lost loved ones and see this as an encroachment, the viewpoints of people who claim to be heartsick, but are bigots following an agenda, the viewpoints of those who are making political hay out of this, the viewpoints of the other bigots who want this mosque to be a thumb in our eye….none of those matter, although each and every one should not have their voice stilled.
The owners should be allowed to build. They are the owners.
We have a guide when conflict exists. We wrote it down to keep our memory from giving us a tainted view of what was agreed upon. We are not required to have the correct opinion, or follow the meme-de-jour.

We have the Constitution.