
Video: Isaac Asimov Warns of Global Warming in 1989

What, me worry?1/07/2011 10:03:25 pm PST

re: #424 Mr Pancakes

Except I can’t forget that he crossed as a kitten… hidden in my mother-in-law’s crotch apparently. I wasn’t there… just was told the story.

That is one brave woman. Bossy is our $10,000 cat. He climbed up my husband’s leg one night which sent the cat flying across the room, if you can imagine. About a week later, hubby developed a golf ball sized lump on his inner thigh. We were pretty freaked about it. The first question the doc asked was, “Do you have a cat?” We were like… Yeah! It was from the scratch. We kept calling it cat-scratch fever.

Anyway, it required surgery, hence the $10K cat.

Moral of the story: always clean your cat scratches!