
Twitter's Redesigned Block Feature Is a Stalker's Delight - Update: Twitter Reinstates the Block Feature

Blind Frog Belly White12/13/2013 10:15:34 am PST

re: #411 lawhawk

I don’t quite get the “political statement” part? The willingness to pay more for lighting- electric consumption? That’s a political statement? It’s a bottom line statement of fiscal responsibility.

Yeah, libertarians/conservatives don’t like the idea of the government telling them what to do. They complain that the market should take care of this.

The market is already doing this - the law just hastened the arrival, and it benefits everyone. Lower power costs, utilities don’t have to build new power plants, the emissions are reduced, and lower pollution, plus property owners don’t have to constantly replace light bulbs, especially in hard to reach places.

But math is hard….

It’s raging against any hint of conserving energy, or doing anything that conservationists would approve of. I struggled with it for some time, trying to understand how CONSERVatives could object to CONSERVATION.

Then I finally realized that there is no core set of principles behind modern conservatism. It’s now just being against whatever they think liberals are for. Though this is most sharply apparent since Obama’s election, it was there for a long time, in things like how they praise their ‘thinkers’ - “Drives Liberals crazy!”, etc.