
Thursday Night Acoustic Excellence: Punch Brothers: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Jocko's Rocket Ship3/20/2015 10:08:47 am PDT

I recall seeing a list of the top 15 most listened to talk radio shows. I think 7 were RW talk, from Limbaugh/Rush/Hannity to even crazier like Beck, Levin and Savage. On the other side, 6 were NPR shows: Morning Addition, All Things Considered, Car Talk, Prairie Home Companion, Wait, Wait…, Fresh Air. That’s it, this alone crystallizes the difference between conservatives and liberals. One seeks confirmation, demands conformity, promotes fear and othering, with a lot of raised voices (there’s a reason RW comment sections a full of various emphasis tools.) The other is thoughtful, open minded, curious, level-headed while considering a plurality of views.