
Obama's First Supreme Court Pick: Sonia Sotomayor

zombie5/26/2009 10:57:02 am PDT

re: #344 Charles

I don’t get this complaining about her statement that the court of appeal is where “policy is made.” First of all, she qualified that and said “we don’t make law.” Second, she’s right in the broader sense — the opinions rendered by the court of appeals do affect policy. This is being taken out of context to imply that she believes she has the power to make laws — and that’s not what she said.

I think the key part in the video is the “oops” moment where she realizes she shouldn’t have said it on camera. It’s as if she was kind of implying that she’d say such a thing off-camera among like-minded people, but one should never go on record as saying it (or believing it). Her subsequent qualification seems like someone who was trying to stuff the cat back in the bag.

I’m sure she’ll get approved — she has the necessary judicial experience — but I’m also sure she’ll be one of those “legislate from the bench” types.