
Fundamentalist Indoctrination: Mandatory in the US Army?

RogueOne8/21/2010 7:41:26 am PDT

re: #421 Nemesis6

Also, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation has a page aimed at this issue: [Link:…]

Not the same story that’s on HPOST, these deal with the army responding to the claims. And as it turns out, the liars-for-christ involved in this are unrepentant.

I’m going to want to know more about all of this before jumping to the same conclusion as the huffpo writer. The unit was being marched around to chow hall which sounds an awful lot like a Basic/AIT class. While going through basic training my unit was given the choice of going to the circus or remaining in our barracks, I chose barracks. If this is the same situation then I’m betting the “punishment” has been completely overblown. If not, then some officer has just thrown his career out the window.