
Video: A Glorious Rant by Rachel Maddow on Media Coverage of Benghazi and Iraq

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam6/19/2014 7:05:35 am PDT

re: #429 lawhawk

If it was so easy to get a 100mpg engine, everyone would be doing it.

But they’re not, so it can’t possibly be because some conspiracy has led to keeping everything suffering with engines that simply can’t deliver on that.

Some really smart people have been working on the problem for decades to no avail.

It’s all so much wishful thinking.

I devoted a blog post to water gas and HHO some years ago. Some people do not understand the laws of physics, nor how cars work, so they picture electrolysis as a “free energy” source of the future.

They just don’t get it, and trying to explain that there is no such thing as free energy is truly frustrating.