
Canada's Science Minister: A Creationist?

JustAHouseWife3/18/2009 2:31:31 pm PDT

re: # 279 et al
Genome research has a lot of issues attached to it (they are really thought provoking too). Not funding genome research is not proof you have religious thoughts conflicting with your job There might be a broader reason, some one should cite specifics here before accusing such a thing. Be reasonable. Go read “Next” by the late Dr. Michael Crichton too. Scary stuff, and yes good stuff too.

My husband is an earth scientist and he believes in a higher power (not a defined thing really but called “God” in our house on most days) AND he knows Evolution is a good sound theory; no scientist could dispute it IF that was what they were arguing about scientifically (you really don’t “believe” in a theory either). He knows how old the earth is in other words-not a religious man, but he’s a soldier! I don’t think we know any scientist that doesn’t believe in God. My minister a few years back in a church I attended when I was younger, worked for JPL. And this issue is talked a lot about between scientists, at least the ones we know, and we know a few, and I’ve never met one that didn’t believe in God outright. IMO that quote from the minister about the micro scope just means the same thing- unless you can prove he is a full on Young Earth bible thumper type, but I don’t see that proved here at all.

It is a bit like a witch hunt. Sorry, IMHO it is.