
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk3/04/2010 8:01:03 am PST

re: #407 LudwigVanQuixote

Agreed. Every Administration since the 1940s has cavorted with the Saudis because of our needs for oil and that’s created a lecherous relationship that has to end. Moreover, the Arabists in the State Department were more than willing to look the other way at Arab abuses so that the US would maintain a steady flow of oil and put the screws to Israel occasionally to keep the Arabs happy. It’s happened with every Administration in some form or another. Human rights abuses by all the Arab regimes were ignored or minimized (just as we now do with China) because of our economic needs.

We prop them up because our demand for oil keeps the prices nice and high (filling Saudi coffers) even though the direct purchases are mostly coming from Europe and China.

The Saudi - and indeed all the Arab - calls for Israel’s genocide and annihilation have not been met with loud enough calls for their denouncement from the US and Europe. It’s a situation that has become all too tolerable for the diplomats who continue to ignore the plain statements by the regimes, their religious mullahs, and even the terror groups that are sponsored by the various regimes.